IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:07 Good morning nurse.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 0:10 My name is cinema Augustine I am an author Richard nurses working in this hospital I can say that you're quite anxious and worried my novastor Isn't. IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:22 nurse I'm 23 years old I am hospitalized two days ago for kidney infection I feel a little better now I want to go home because I'm not comfortable in hospital.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 0:37 that my know what's really bothering you about the hospital climate.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:43 nurse I'm not able to spend more time in hospital I had this there is a lot of disturbance in this ward. I'm angry about the situation.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 0:54 or smaller to hear that, Mr. John, but we know your condition is not not not at all good. We're having some infection in the kidney due to the bacteria and all and still you house fever and you're not able to eat and drink properly is it.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:16 but no, it's because I am in the Lord's board full of nicey patient I am upset tired and angry about the situation I am not able to take adequate rest in hospital.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 1:27 I understand your concern, but now, the store is not an option for this country or the situation and if you really hate the other word I will arrange for the other two will be serene and government whoever you.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:49 want to continue my treatment at home I will come back to hospital if my condition gets worse.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 1:57 sorry to tell you that John that is not a good idea because you need the unit very antibiotics and I should take you through the endovenous and it can be taken in the home because there will have some side effects for this simple induction and if you're taking in the home the complications may happen immediately and your life will not be in a good condition at that time.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 2:27 Okay now, if we recommend that it is necessary for me to stay in hospital then I agree to stay if I can stay away from those patients.NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 2:37 So, I will arrange a good environment for you and I will arrange a protocol protocols are only for you and under calls turn it to other facilities will make more and you will learn how on patient except you and how not. Not how much the servants have also happier.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:05 yes nurse. NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 3:08 Okay. And I think I have addressed your concern. And if you have further any concerns, you can let me know and I can push this person also I will be happy to help.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:20 Okay, nice. Thank you. NS NURSE SINIMOL AUGUSTINE 3:23 Thank you.