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SS. 3133 .Dayana sheba - Priyanka Akunuri

Writer's picture: GrandMasterClassGrandMasterClass



ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 0:02 Good morning. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:02 Good morning.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 0:05 My name is Diana, I'm working in this casualty ward. How can I help you today?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:11 Nurse I have met with an accident. I have some injuries and I lost my blade. I can't take the situation I'm feeling very sad. And I have already that I have read that patients constructor HIV through blood transfusion.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 0:34 Before proceeding further, I would like to know your name.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:38 My name is John.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 0:41 Okay, Mr. John, I can understand your concern. Try not to worry. I'm here to help you all as you mentioned that you have made for accident after that you lost blood. So that the trances lead for you to compensate that loss ofIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:03 isness.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 1:05 Okay, regarding your concern about the infection, HIV infection okay, I'm glad to know that you have that out okay. Let me assure that the possibility of infection is very long as care is taken to screen the donors as well as that donated blood also will estate for possible infection who canIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:29 is but what is 10th vision?ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 1:33 Yes, Mr. John your customers reasonable let me explain the bloodwork blood transfusion procedure to you. So that donated blood will be checked for the infection and store in refrigerator and before starting the blood that Oprah or the nurse will cross check the plan before transfusing blood transmission procedure will take one to four us during the procedure you can sit or lie down according to your convenient that equipments and syringes using for the blood transmission will be sterile and procedure also will be carried out in the sterile mannerIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:19 isnessND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 2:21 Okay, the nurse will be monitor you closely to check your vital signs before starting the procedure. And during the procedure if you have any issues such as fever or eating sort of breathing difficulty, you can immediately form the nurse who will take care of you. So the nurse will inform the concerned doctor and stop the transmission immediately.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:46 oakiness what are the side effects are there?ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 2:51 Yes, as I mentioned, Pastor John side episodes very rare, but some persons will get a reaction to the blood transfusion such as fever, itching over the body or breathing difficultyIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:10 okaynessND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 3:12 so try not to worry about the symptoms, the symptoms, side effects are quite natural during the procedure. For the side effect, the doctor will give you treatment so no need to worry aboutIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:30 okayness I don't know anything about the procedure after explanation I should I understood that. I'm ready to have a transfusion.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 3:42 Okay, Mr. John I happy to hear that I appreciate your respectful so you are willing to have the transmissionIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:52 okaynessND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 3:55 Okay, Mr. John, so the transmission will help you to recover fully. Okay, so I'll be ready with a transmission you can take rest till now.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:07 Thank you, thank you for your explanation. Thank you so much.ND NURSE DAYANA SHEBA 4:11 Day.


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