NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 0:00 Good morning. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:01 Good morning nurse.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 0:03 My name is Dr. Sardo. And I'm one of the registered nurses working here in this community health center. Could you confirm your name for the record, please?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:13 My name is Maggie.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 0:16 Okay, Maggie, and what is your age?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:20 My age is 21 years.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 0:24 Okay. And could you please tell me the reason of your visit, please?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:29 isness my mother is 80 years old, she is becoming somewhat forgetful. I'm she told me recently that when she had her three month checkup, and the doctor said that her cholesterol level was fairly high.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 0:50 Okay. Don't worry, Maggie, I can understand how you're experiencing right now. Because being a doctor, anything happened with a mother? Definitely it is very stressful, so I can understand your condition very well. Try not to worry, I'm here to help you. But first of all, do you know anything about cholesterol and what is it?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:16 No, no, no, no. Can you please explain about that,NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 1:21 surely, surely, I will explain you everything in detail. So the cholesterol which is a fat like material or the component which is present in our blood, it occupies in our most of the tissue, okay. And there are two types of cholesterol. First is a high density cholesterol which is which is good for our health. And another one is low density lipoprotein, which is really bad for our health. So there's two types of cholesterol on there. Okay, and I can see in your in your mother's condition in your mother's report, it is clearly said that the low density lipoprotein is increased and it might get if it is increased, it might get deposited in the artery and once it get deposited in the artery, it may lodge large they're stuck there because it has low density lipoprotein has tendency to stick so it has some sticky component. So it is going it is for the lead to get heart disease or might be the possibility of stroke when it is obstruct or occlude in the arteries. Are you following me? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:50 Yeah,is this I'm worried about her condition would develop into something worse.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 2:57 Okay. Yes, actually, it is it is alarming alarming, because in her blood report, it is mentioned that it has increased 5.5 millimoles per liter. So actually it is the normal range of this LDL, it has to be in less than 100 milligram per deciliter. But in your mother's condition, it is increased slightly, but we have to be very cautious and at this moment, it is better we try to control and boiling it down. Okay. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:38 Okay, nurse,which type of food you want to take.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 3:41 Okay, Maggie, are you following me? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:44 Yeah. NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 3:44 Okay. That's great. Okay, and do you know what are the strategy and what are the steps we can take care in order to reduce our level of cholesterol? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:58 No nurse,can you please explain about that and what type of fresh food she wants to take?NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 4:06 Uh, sure, sure, Miss Maggie, try not to worry i will explain it to you. First of all, she need to do some alteration in her diet. So basically, she needs to avoid certain greasy food or fatty food from her diet. And certainly she need to consume lots of vegetables and fruits which which has the adequate amount of water in it and along with that, she needs to increase her fiber intake. Okay, IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:43 okay. NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 4:44 That means she can have the leafy vegetable fruits and all these things. So which will give her more fiber in her diet. So definitely, if you provide this thing to your mother, and you make some changes as well My advise it is definitely going to help you to bring down her cholesterol level and she will recover a very fast. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 5:08 okayness. NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 5:10 Okay, so I hope I have cleared all your concern. Is there anything in our power in mind which needs to be clear?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 5:18 No nurse give you any advice to lawyer, my mother's cholesterol level.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 5:26 Yes, as I said there is some dietary changes so that she can do along with that she can implement some mild exercises that is the walking is the best way according to her age. So she can do minimum walking, even if she can manage with a brace walking so that will also be beneficial for her health. She can try some yoga and meditation as well. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 5:55 Okay, now. NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 5:55 these are the few strategies you can implement in our day to day lifestyle.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 6:00 Yeah, okayness Thank you.NP NURSE PRADNYA JADHAV 6:03 Okay, thank you. And don't worry. If you if your mother will ready to follow this strategy. Definitely. She will recover very fast. Thank you. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 6:12 Okay,nurse, thank you. Thank you for your sedation time that I will take care of my mother.