NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 0:01 Good afternoon. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:02 Good afternoon.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 0:07 my name is Raja Lakshmi one of the registered nurses working in this emergency room.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:15 nurse My name is. NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 0:17 information. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:18 my name my name is Megan I'm involved in a motor bike action today and came to emergency department for first day.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 0:34 okay Maggie How you feeling.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:37 I'm feeling some nervousness.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 0:44 okay no more details about the accident.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:52 as I was walking behind the road I a bike hit me from math side so I got injured.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 1:03 or really sorry to hear the nerd Maggie and actually SOCO. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:12 isness. NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 1:15 thank you for inviting me Maggie and according to my SS mantuvo only official wound try not to be worried and no Dennis also and it will be gluten it is not much the affected and then simply we can apply for the dressing and bandage for.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:39 okayness.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 1:42 and not to worry and take class and we will use medication like painkillers to leave the pain and dignity.is fully. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:53 readiness.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 1:56 If you have any other concern.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:00 tell me about the service to have injury.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 2:08 this is only superficial okay we will apply for you the antiseptic closer in lotions and we will put for the bandage that is enough for that okay according to doctor and we will do for the you just revisit the doctor doctor will be decided for the what medication has to be followed for that.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:33 Yeah. Okay now I request you to provide further assistance for me. NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 2:43 but.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:44 for the assistance for me.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 2:50 Yes, surely we will provide for you and did you have do you have any headache or if you have anyone with the inside any other complications related? They were accident meet me to a doctor and their doctor will be provided for the medication. Okay.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:10 Okay. Let's. NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 3:11 try notto be worried of him. And it is not in serious condition. It will be he'll have to Europe applying the bandage on all.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:22 Okay. okayness Thank you.NR NURSE RAJYA LAKSHMI 3:24 Thank you. I wish you a speedy recover.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:27 Thank Goodness Thank you for your service. Thank you so much.