Rematching speakers... SPEAKERS NURSE (67%), INTERLOCUTOR (33%) IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:00 Good afternoon sister.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 0:02 My name is Chitra I am one of the registered nurses working in the mutton d'Ivoire. Today I am taking care of you. Could you tell me your name for confirmation purpose?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:12 My name is Shiva.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 0:15 Okay Shiva, how can I address you?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:18 You can call me Shiva.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 0:21 Okay Shiva How can I help you today?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:23 Sister actually, I just give birth to my baby to cesarean section and I am also diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis I have a severe pain in my wrist and shoulders and I'm feeling very fatigued Grant's unable to sleep because of this pain.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 0:47 Okay, I can understand your concerns. So no need to worry about your condition we will support you here okay. So before proceeding may ask a few costings regarding our condition may I proceed?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:59 Yes. NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 1:01 Okay, so how long we are feeling this signs and symptoms could you tell meIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:06 I have been experiencing this problem for the past six months.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 1:12 Okay, are you taking any medication for theIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:15 eye actually sister I'm not taking any medications actually the doctor has prescribed me some pain medications but I didn't take sister because I know that it would definitely totally affect my child if I give breast milk to my baby after having the tablet definitely that it will be going through my child's body through breast milk and it will affect my baby so I'm just concerned about the health of my baby so I didn't take any medicationNC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 1:49 I am respective a concern I deserve better understanding also your condition because of your child you're thinking about you're not taking pain medication if it affecting your child, right?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:01 Yeah. NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 2:03 Your key or concern is reasonable but you're no need to worry we can do some alternative Messrs because of my pain medication we will provide some cold and hot application for that area. Then do minimal exercise and keep the liver handy its upright position and apply some moving and painkiller ointment and Monster the cream under pain medication we can apply for us in difference I help you for to reduce back pain and pain under swelling but we could not say it is correct or measure you can easily reduce that pain because if you're not taking you're not willing to do some taking for water medication compared to a patient that apply the cold compression does little bit reduce the pain we cannot say there's a completely you can cure that a pain or anything my pointIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:57 yes is to thenNC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 3:01 try to try to relax and cube common under silent and take adequate rest and play some cold and hot in the same place. It is a help to reduce your pain. Then if you cannot do breastfeed your baby we will help you to hear to support your baby to express the smell candy came to her baby. It is on our support team as it is available here. Do you have any other concern?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:29 I don't have any other concerns sister because I'm not ready to take the medications but I have a natural jelly. I apply that over the affected area and once after applying that definitely I will get relief from my pain. So I don't think so I don't have any impact.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 3:50 Okay companies raise and then we will consult our doctor alternative way of medication instead of a tablet Doctor provide some iron men like that, then you can apply that one. Then I talked to your family members they will support you for to encourage breastfeeding and helping you to then we will provide some assistance also for you are helping for developers to feed and take care of fever baby also. Do you have any other concern?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:20 I don't have any other concern sister.NC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 4:24 Kay, I wish you a speedy recover. I reassured that no need to worry about your condition. We will provide some alternative medication for you to reduce your pain and take care of your baby. No need to worry about your baby. Now because doctors are caring to her fever condition only they will provide medication. So trust us and believe that treatment and relax and the cooperative with us. We will happy to support you for a year. Okay,IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:53 okay, so. ONC NURSE CHITHRA CALYANASUNDARAM 4:56 kay, thank you for listening. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:59 Thank you So much.