NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 0:01 Good morning. IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:02 Good morning knows NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 0:04 my name is Sangeeta, the registered nurse working in this one. I'm your assigned nurse and I'll be taking care of you today. How are you feeling? Pushpa?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:14 Nurse I'm hospitalised two days ago for kidney infection. I feel a little better now.NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 0:21 Okay, were you able to sleep last night?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:25 Yes, nurse, but I won't. I want to go home nurse. I'm not comfortable in this hospital.NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 0:34 I can understand your concern Krishna, is there any particular reason why you don't want to stay in the hospital?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:39 Yes, yes, nurse because I'm in the large word full of noisy patients and I'm not able to take adequate rest in hospital, Iheard that there is a lot of disturbance in this world. NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 0:52 I'm sorry to hear that. Your concerns are reasonable. I know a lot of disturbance in this word, I perfectly understand. But howare you feeling now?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:05 Notice I help people and then not able to think andNS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 1:10 yes, since we have a kidney infection, your body is not able to tolerate the food and drink which are taking. So there's a reason we started you on internally in St. Louis. And we're giving you the medications also intravenously? Do you know about it? AndIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:27 no nurse? Tell me NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 1:29 Yeah, so since you're not you said that you're having vomiting and all because your body's not tolerating the food and on what you're taking. So that's the reason we are giving the fluids and even the medications also, we are giving you intravenously. IV antibiotics are given to those who care who can eat the food and drink. So in your case, it is not possible. So that's the reason you are in the hospital. Are you able to followme IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:57 but I'm not able to spend more time in hospital I hate this. And I want to continue my treatment at home. Is it possible?NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 2:09 No for I can understand the feelings, Pushpa but as I said, you're not able to be difficult for you to go get my mind.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:25 But nurse I don't like this, I hate this environment.NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 2:30 I can understand. You don't like to stay in the hospital. Even any normal person. Nobody likes to stay in the hospital. But it is for your health pushbar So you have to stay in the hospital. Because the kidney is a vital organ of the body and you're not taking care of it. It can damage you and even may cause further damage to your kidney and in the kidneys. And it will not be able to flush the waste products. Did you get my point?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:03 Yes nurse. Is there any solution for my condition?NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 3:08 Eva solution is at press until we get better you have to stay in the hospital. Since you said that you're having you're not able to see because a lot of noise I can I have a solution for you. I will raise this issue to my higher authority paper and which means my supervisor so and I'll try to ship you to the private. Is it okay with you?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:31 Yes, no, thank you.NS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 3:35 Okay, do you have any other moment?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:38 No nervousNS NURSE SANGEETHA LEEMA 3:41 move. I was able to clarify it out. In case if you have anything that spreads. I'll be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, let me go and make arrangement for you.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:52 Okay, nurse, I can stay here and oakiness Thankyou.