SPEAKERS NURSE (80%), INTERLOCUTOR (20%) NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:00 Okay, good evening. IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:03 Good evening. NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:05 My name is Priscilla Raja. I'm a registered nurse working this hospital that same nurse for you. Could you tell me how are you feeling right now?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:18 I want to go home comfortable in hospital NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:24 Okay, so do you have any idea about your condition? IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:29 No, no. NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:32 Okay, so I assure you that no need to worry about anything you are at the safest place in the safest hand. So I'm here to help you about your condition you are diagnosed with Acute pyelonephritis which means it is an inflammation of your kidney due to bacterial infection Am I clear to you?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:55 Okay,NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:56 okay, so we told her the symptoms you had experiencedIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:05 feverNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:07 Okay, so you are telling that you are experienced fever nausea. So am I correct? Is there anything you need to add on this?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:17 No, no.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:18 Okay, so it is very important to stay this hospital for further treatment Do you know why? Yeah, because you can't take anything orally any food or medication if you take orally means it will seem it will lead to some symptoms like nausea or vomiting. So in order to avoid that intravenous therapy is essential for your condition to manage your nutritional status as well as to treat your condition are you following me with Pushpa but noisy patients we have a situation and more in hospital okay, I'm so sorry to hear that and I apologise for the inconvenience yourself. But no need to worry I can make an arrangement for this. So if you're okay means I can ship another room for you. So, you will get more privacy is that okay for you?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:25 OhNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 2:27 yeah I just a peaceful there is no any other noises So, you will get a privacy okay, how does that sound to you?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:35 I say possibl, no.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 3:19 Do you have any concerns regarding your condition?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:19 No now,NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 3:19 please send your messages and then okay, I will make an arrangement for us shifting to another word, okay. No need to worry about anything. So I assure you that you, you are at the right place and we are well trained nurses. So we are here to help you. And and at thstagthe treatment is very much essential for conditions condition to prevent a further complication. Okay. Okay, now, once you're okay means the doctor will give a discharge according to your progress. Then the doctor will give discharge, is that okay for you? Okay, no, no. Okay. Do you have any concerns? Oh, no, no. Okay. So, I will make an arrangement for reverse shifting of what, then I will make make it more appropriate for you for no need to panic about this. Oh, thank you so much for your time. Then if you have any query, please press this buzzer. I will be here without any delay. Okay. Okay, thank you so much.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:45 Okay.