NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:03 Hello Good afternoon IM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 0:05 Good afternoon that I repeated the card number 11 OkayNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:23 I would love to register nurses working in an app emergency department How can I help you know who I am? My name is Monica I'm 31 year old I am suffering from excuses right paid off my forehead headache started two weeks ago and better understanding it Matt can you please tell me how often how getting this finger what would be a headacheIM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 1:25 raising headacheNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 1:30 what makes the headaches trigger or worsen missIM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 1:35 I am the computer operating system and they are a two days per day NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 1:49 claim the severity of zero pain okay and can you please rate the same scale? Zero is the word and 10 He said no. And he said this rate you do not my pain scale is in place right? Not my pain, pain scale Corrie 10 Okay. So sorry to hear that you are going to pay you don't pay me we're here to help you regarding your condition from your word. I understand that you are going through a severe pain and condition more when you are operating from user during the job and from your symptomsmigraine or you have to protect you how my brain proberly this tiger because your stress IM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 3:10 and suffering some very high thing I cannot be any painNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 3:19 I can understand your concern and I know I will refer you to the doctor and he is within it and he will evaluate you and provide guidance and treatment for your condition is it okay for you mad that I want to go blast my wife I have so many projects to do some places and meeting your content are reasonable but are you for 30 minutes and then he can help you recording your condition and by providing accurate and appropriate treatment for your conclusion we just further reflectAre you being fully formed or do you need it? It is because it is very beneficial for you and what if you don't get what you need? I cannot wait for more than 30 minutesof this wait for 30 minutes and I will make an arrangement for for the Sydney of doctor and he will he will arrive 30 minutes and provide treatment for you. Before you IM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 4:59 Okay man, thank you. Thank you for the information.NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 5:05 You sent him because he was conditioned and you can press the buzzer in the side of your face. I am here to help you. Now I am going to make arrangement regarding your visit with Dr. Thank you see you later. IM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 5:22 Thank you. Thank you so much.