NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:01 Good afternoonIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:03 Good afternoonNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:06 Mr environment some of their nurses working in this community health clinic for my confirmation Can you please tell us your nameIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:17 my name is Paul spa and that is my years old I work as a computer engineerNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:24 okay small and my life thinking that you are being referred by either doctor to discuss regarding weight managementIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:35 yesNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 0:37 okay and for the more details can you please explain why symptoms or any difficulty you have regarding overweightIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:50 yes nurse nurse recently I have noticed a decrease in my energy levels I don't have any significant health problem I have also noticed breathlessness while playingNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 1:06 and from the doctor's report, I understand that you a little bit of weight and your BMI is 25 so it is important to lose the weight otherwise there is a chance of increasing the breathing difficulty and also there is a chance of the additional diseases and additional physical illness on our by this our way. So in regarding your condition it's very important to wait are you okay with that?IP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:49 I don't have time physical activity is it important to lost weightNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 1:56 yes Mantis can can be changed but Pushpa Don't worry. We will provide some suggestions it will be very helpful for you to reduce reduce or overweight and also for getting more regarding Can you please answer my question is shortness Okay, can you please tell me regarding your lifestyle including alcohol eating habitsIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:32 I missed my break firstly Dizzy snacks and food and faster during theNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 2:40 okay and the hard habit of winning at the horse and what avoid smoking you have the habit of smoking?IP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:52 No no I don't have a smoking habit.NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 2:57 From our discussion I understand that you eat more fast food and you prefer more eating fast food and also you drink alcohol and for the harms of alcohol upIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:15 okay three glass per dayNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 3:20 and from your discussion, I advise you to stop the reducing the alcohol intake and avoid taking your password additional tools that you can eat fruits and vegetables that is very beneficial for your health and I help you help me to lead a healthy lifestyle and I advise you to enjoy physical activities by doing some exercises like 20 to 30 minutes walk and also by doing some sort of exercises that help you to reduce the weight and and also eat suitable diet right regarding that I would prefer for you to a dietitian or I will provide a useless for you. It will be very beneficial for you have a soundIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:22 it's better nurse, nurse it will be hard for me to make the changes in my lifestyle.NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 4:31 Fantasies would be the HelloIP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:42 It will be hard for me to make these changes in my lifestyle.NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 4:49 I can understand your concern pushpop generally in India is quite difficult to address it your new lifestyle but God As you will be copper with the new lifestyle you already said that you are working as a computer engineer for So, while going to peace you park the car a little bit far away from the office and and from the parking area too often if you can take a little walk or when you go into a CIOB avoid the transportation facilities and are you trying to work can go to the shopping and it will be helpful for you to what you studied by doing this some sort of things it will be very easy for you to reduce your reach and maintain a normal pattern in your lifestyle. If you're curious are you okayness okay and pushbar Please accept my advice and go with it and it will be very helpful for you for you to reduce that you are overweight and it will be by reducing the overweight it will be very beneficial for you by by different sort of ease and you can radically your knowledge and wisdom difficulties and I advise you to come back for you in four weeks time. By that time you can evaluate your weed management and you have improvement in your rate or decrease your rate according to that we will further suggester management up to to you.IP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 6:57 PS nurse thank you thank you very much.NK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 7:01 CB how you hear the concern?IP INTERLOCUTER PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 7:03 No nurseNK NURSE KESSIA MERIN 7:06 thank you for your cooperation. If you have a need you can contact with me. I am here to help you. Thank you Thank you for your time.