IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:00 like no nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:06 in the community please come inIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:11 Thank you pushbar I am 35 years and I work as a computer engineerhere notice recently I have noticed a decrease in my energy levels I don't have any any significant health problem I have also noticed a breathlessness whitening regardingNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:50 me yes nerdsIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:06 yes in the bushes should nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:28 physical activity or exercise your brainIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:33 knows I'm not doing any exercises you can go my break first big busy during the no no's I don't have a smoking habit I have a drinking habitNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:18 you are not getting time to do physical activity and exercise and eating and youIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:47 share notes can you suggest me any physical activitiesNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:56 that you are competent in going to workplaceIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 3:00 yes my 10 minutes sure knowsNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:29 if you're getting five minutes or 10 minutes because using human physical activities and the use of you try to minimise the quantity of consumptionIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:35 time but these physical activities and not suitable for me it will be hard for meNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:49 for you later on yes That's what I told you it is clear everything for youIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 5:10 yesNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 5:15 and you can practice it is difficult for you meanwhile you canIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 5:30 ask Could you please tell me how much sport I have to drink importantNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 5:49 feature for you can I share thank you thank youIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 6:15 okay.