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SS. 2353. Panic Attacks - Veena Venu - Nursing - GrandMasterClass - Fantastic Feedback

Writer's picture: GrandMasterClassGrandMasterClass



IG INTERLOCUTOR GRANDMASTER 0:00 yes you can start now we knowGood afternoon nursetell me how can I help youNV NURSE VEENA VENU 0:29 okayIG INTERLOCUTOR GRANDMASTER 0:42 yes nurseyeah before also used to get and you know I'm 18 years old and I'm in the last year of the high school and very anxious about watching examination and I have all the tests and class presentations I'm experiencing panic attacks okay and then sometimes okay I am experiencing episodes of shortness of breath trembling loud pounding just a constriction and sometimes this lasts for 20 minutes I haven't had anything this bad beforeNV NURSE VEENA VENU 1:44 OkayIG INTERLOCUTOR GRANDMASTER 1:47 My name is Abraham Lincoln and you can call me Lincoln fine yes nursesometimes it may be more but normally 20 minutes to 15Yeah whenever there is an exam I think this attentionyes nursenurse yes nurseyes most definitely I will do thatYes knows that's really very nice yeah again a lot of thank you very much is there anything that I can to minimise this problemIG INTERLOCUTOR GRANDMASTER 5:34 Joining us now and I will apply Thank you very much okay. So, let me that's very nice thank you thank you very much okay now let me give you feedback when is your exam nurse February okay. Now let me tell you okay afterwards to talk to me after the session but before that let me give you feedback okay. You have a lot of grammatical errors a lot of grammatical errors that to baseline errors human Are you agree with me I don't understand what is are you agree with me it is Do you agree with me it totally wrong the makeup of the sentence Are you agree with me is wrong? It is Do you agree? That is the concept actually it comes down to you. So, if infirm is there, then you have this Are you coming with me like that? Are you come with me is wrong? Are you coming with me is right. So that is the point. So, this Do you have the right option. So definitely use that option like that there are many other grammatical errors and you have to improve all areas. I will get it timed and I'll give it to you. And vocabulary wise I can say it is average and you are a lot of trembling, panicking worrying and you know stammering sometimes here and there. Like that you are telling you can listen to the audio acting in the telegram channel afterwards. And you can listen and you where you are making the mistakes and how many times you've told like that you get noticed that and you listen to your own speech. And then many people are putting your audios in the Telugu in the WhatsApp groups. Also, again, listen how many times you are doing that one that is not verified, it shows that you are not very confident and you're confused. And you're getting stuck and you're saying and you're thinking and after two three seconds, then you are getting coming back and you're repeating the same sentence or altering the sentence that is how you are improving, but still a lot of mistakes are there. So grammar wise, improvise your grammar areas. The next one. Next point is regarding your style. The way how you are speaking is not very sufficient, you have to speak at least six to seven sentences for each question, you can connect and correlate your speaking in broken sentences instead of that when you can tell full sentences, I mean, you can say complex compound sentences and improves the quality of the sentences we can say like this for example. Yeah, there is nothing to worry about this problem because many students who are facing such difficulties tend to to like them tend to face such problems. You are one among them. It is common during examination time, especially for those students who do not prepare on a daily basis. Suddenly, when the exam comes, they do not know what to do and they try to work hard and because of that, they fall into this panics situation. And they do not they'll get very upset. So like that you can like three of us pick three or seven or eight sentences that would be better. What you can suggest here is like this, I would like to suggest you one thing, at least from now onwards Make a plan timetable plan accordingly,categorise different timings for different subjects then participate in your practice on a regular basis morning or afternoon or evening, but see that you will not skip any day without preparation. So, daily portion wise you pre plan and prepare and go ahead otherwise suddenly this panic will increase and you will be anxious and upset and it will you will fall you will get these panic attacks and it will be difficult to manage to better love itself you take save some special measures like that you can speak okay then apart from that the length is not also not that much oh well. You are normally speaking in like a small child school girl like that you are speaking your to improve your quality. Right and for worse regularly you practice five six speaking sessions with the interlocutors then come to me then I'll give you one speaking but if you want a regular speaking, you can discuss with me later on a regular basis. Every speaking you want feedback then I will be taking you for you personally that is different thing. We'll see. But as of now I'm not talking that. First let me give this feedback. And then whatever I'm giving feedback to each and every candidate you go to the telegram channel and listen to that one. And see what Simon said has given in this particular sentence what type of sentences he has used. Write down those sentences make use those sentences in the other speaking roleplay cards also different situations. Then what more vocabulary you have to improvise your vocabulary or speaking ordinary vocabulary, instead of good that you can say excellent or extraordinary or wonderful or amazing or awesome or something like that. According to the situation you can use better words instead of using good. So quality wise you have to improve was my suggestion beneficial for you? Don't get upset because I'm giving too many correction.


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