NS NURSE SOUMYA 0:01 Hello good morning Morning.IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 0:03 Good morningNS NURSE SOUMYA 0:04 . My name is Aviva we do I am an authorised NSS okay in this hospital God I will be taking your future today finally could you tell me how are you feeling after surgeryIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 0:19 thank you for the break was she can you please tell me when can I go homeNS NURSE SOUMYA 0:26 I'm so sorry to hear that you could you tell me what is the reason why you want to discharge yesIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 0:33 ma'am I know my name sorry meNS NURSE SOUMYA 0:46 sorry HelloIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 0:50 Yes YesNS NURSE SOUMYA 0:53 Yes Could you tell me why you want a discharge hello hello nurse it is not audible is could you tell me why you want discharge now?IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 1:15 Yes, yes, I am recovering from knee fracture how long it will take for me to recover completely I'm anxious to know about recovery periodNS NURSE SOUMYA 1:31 I can understand your concern so your doctor is no fear going home so it may exacerbate your condition so I'm strongly recommend do you need to stay in hospital at least for five to six so we can if in your health any any if you notice any unusual symptoms definitely we can give a provider treatment so that's why I'm strongly recommend you need to stay in hospitalIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 2:03 more How long should I continue medicationNS NURSE SOUMYA 2:08 is that service of a question from you to it will take for five to six days and the doctor says satisfy your condition definitely he will discharge you as soon as possible.IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 2:19 Now how can I help myself to shorten the recovery periodNS NURSE SOUMYA 2:27 is by serving someone close to the edge so first of all, you need to take a rest on proper time. And then you need to follow Bell balance today. So definitely Ender and praise her with medication compliance. So if you're following these guidelines, definitely your recovery period will be fastIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 2:49 notice Can you suggest to me any easy exercises that could help me immediately Yes.NS NURSE SOUMYA 2:59 I'm glad to explain you that there is a easy exercise as will help to your recovery for the case. So if I can refer your physiotherapist they will come and teach you what are the exercises that they will take? Is that okay for you Miss money? Yes.IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 3:19 I miss wrote in on my exams gemeente su Mixamo I want to go home as widely as possible.NS NURSE SOUMYA 3:32 I know it's a very top of a situation for your exam also coming but you know if you're going home it's very difficult to cope with the situation because already we have started some antibiotics so you need to continue with IV antibiotic after five days. You can go home because it's a complex surgery.IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 3:56 Thank you How do you read submissions?NS NURSE SOUMYA 3:58 I don't I I know it's very difficult to cope up with this. This situation but I can arrange a some special room for you. Is that okay for you Miss BonnieIS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 4:12 is nervous.NS NURSE SOUMYA 4:15 Okay, so I will contact with the receptionist so they will arrange a room for you. So once I shifted there, you can continue. You can study for your exam.IS INTERLOCUTER SRIVANI SAMMETA 4:26 Quo.