IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:01 Yes, proceed. Roger, you can start now.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:04 Good evening.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:05 Good evening nurse.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:07 Myself procedure as you I'm a registered nurse on duty today. Are you is the birth mother? IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:13 Yes, nurse.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:14 Okay. Could you tell me your name?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:16 My name is Maggie and my daughter's name isNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:20 RK. Marquis. Have a child right now. IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:25 My baby's feelingif she's not behaving this oriented or strange, what I'm supposed toknow what this epilepsy is?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:41 Okay. i Okay, Miss Maggie, I really understand your concern. As a mother, it's a very difficult situation for you to handle the situation. But don't worry, we all are here to help you and you are at the right place. Okay. So before that, I need to know that Do you have any idea about your child's condition?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:03 NoNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:05 Okay. Yeah, definitely. I will explain in detail. Actually, your diet, your daughter is diagnosed with epilepsy. It is a disruption of electro chemical brain activity in the brain. Okay. So do you aware about the causes?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:24 No, nurse?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:25 I don't know anything about that. Okay. Could you tell me Does anyone in your family, this epilepsy?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:34 No, nurse, NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:34 no one is having this condition. Okay, fine. Then this your daughter experience any type of head injury? Like that?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:44 No, no, there is no injury over the head.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:47 Okay, fine. So so some courses may be related to the family history or a brain injury or brain. brain tumour. So these are the some courses and it's sometimes it's an unknown course. Okay. And could you tell me, which are the symptoms your child experience at that time?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:10 I was No. closer to my daughter. She was born and she was brought to hospital by ambulance.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 2:18 Okay, I really understand. I know it's must be frustrating, frustrating situation for you. I know my OB sometimes she experienced some muscle joking, or tiredness or inability to control her bladder for the full Addison symptoms. And don't be panic, and she's ready for the discharge right now. Are you aware about that?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:41 Yes. Really poor discharge? NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 2:45 Okay. IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:46 I don't know how can I manage her alone at home?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 2:50 Okay, I really understand as a mother, it's a very difficult situation for you. But don't worry, I will suggest you something okay. So, initially, a steering any other kind of either seizures she experienced make her lie on his side, okay. Then it is very important to remove harmful objects around her and beyond meant, okay. I made sure that there is no object near her mouth. That is also very important. Okay. Then you need to check her breathing. Okay, so that is some measures you need to do at that time. Then still her a seizure persists to two or three minutes. You need to immediately call an ambulance and seek medical advice or medical attention. It's very important. Are you following me? Misaki?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:51 Yes. Okay.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 3:55 Okay, fine. And there are some epilepsy support groups are available. They do hear about that. IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:03 No, nurse, Idon't know about that. Can you please tell me about that andhow can it help my daughter?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:10 Yeah, definitely it will help your daughter and you will get more information through this Epilepsy Foundation group and about the details I can give to you. And it is also available in the internet also. And from this group, there are many people who experienced the epilepsy and they are successfully managed that condition. So you can talk with them and you you will get more information regarding the epilepsy. Is that clear?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:43 Yes. NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:44 Okay, so far, okay. means I can provide that details with you.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:50 Please provide the details.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:52 Okay. So do you have any concern?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:55 No, nurse, I'm just concerned about my daughter's condition.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:59 Okay Miss Banga, please speak calm Don't be panic, okay? So if you panic means your daughter also get panic in order to avoid that stay strong and save that situation and appropriately. So please follow my suggestion. And as I told earlier, he can medical attention if that seizure persist four to five minutes, okay. Okay, so I wish you so I will make an arrangement for the discharge. Thank you so much for listening me. Have a nice day.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 5:36 Thank you somuch for your suggestions.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 5:40 Okay, thank you.