IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 0:00 You can start now.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 0:02 Hi, good morning.IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 0:03 Good morning.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 0:04 My name is Shiva degree and I'm one of the registered nurses working in this hospital ward. I will be looking after your mother today. Okay, so Maria, the doctor has advised before the discharge. So I just want to know how do you feel about the mother's discharge to your homeIL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 0:23 sister I'm very happy to hear that because I think she's admitted here for one month. So if I'll get taken to her hormones, I'm very happy with that. But the thing is, I'm not sure what level of call will be required her. So I'm very concerned about how much of Amman should be given to her a Fannie Mae if any mistake will make or I won't be able to manage her physically or emotionally. So I'm very worried about that.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 0:56 So I'm really sorry to hear that Mr. Miss Maria and being lovable daughter, I can understand your concerns as well. So, I can help you in regarding or take care of your mother. So, first eight weeks, when you need to be taken off like the medications firstly, that ask for the doctor's advice, please administer for your mother on time on proper dosage, everything will be clearly mentioned in the discharge paper and above about the dressing, you need to change the dressing for your mother on daily basis. And the personal hygiene is very important in order to prevent the infection and mobility also please take care of her like in her inside the house. She can ambulate a little bit okay. And also regarding the food on her own time you can give her the food okay. So, now how does it sound?IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 2:03 Yes is to her Okay, I will manage it, I will do it.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 2:08 Oh yeah, I reassured that definitely you can manage and it is easily manageable. And I would like to give you some advice on strategies which which will be making easy for you to take care of your mother. So, shall I proceed with that? IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 2:24 Yes. NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 2:25 Also, firstly, you please make us routine. Like you just set up a routine for taking care of your mother let the what time will be The break fast and after break fast the medication timing so, just make his time and set it routine like the breakfast time timing for breakfast, lunch and dinner and according to that you can give medication and also please get a medicine organiser you can keep all the medicines in that which will be helping for to give medication on proper time IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 3:06 okay.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 3:08 And also ensure that you have everything she needs whatever she needs, which is easily available nearby your mother so that she don't want to walk more and she will there is we can reduce the chance of falling also IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 3:24 okay. NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 3:25 And one more thing that the there is a surgical mode which is easily available. And please suggest her that appears she has to via the surgical boot always so that there won't be the dust is going inside and the there will not be any chance of getting infection.IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 3:48 Okay, that is necessary for her.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 3:51 Yeah, the surgical boot because it's the heal wound is not killed it. So, to protect food at the surgical abort is necessary. So, I advise you to buy for your mother.IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 4:07 Okay sister, okay. So, so, can you please tell me that can you play how to get the medicine so how it should be taken?NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 4:17 Yeah, I'm delighted to explain you some idea actually, there will be a painkillers and and free anti inflammatory drugs, which is used to reduce the pain as well as swelling. And so, first of all, first medicine is naproxen and it is it should be given every 12 hours and Ebro fun that is that will be given for four hours gap and it can give two tablets in case in case she has any pain you can give but not to exceed a tablets per day. Okay, so On this board the tablets would help to reduce the pain and also swelling. And please give on time ask for the doctor's advice. IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 5:13 Okay, sister, okay, I will do it for.NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 5:16 So I hope I have clarified all your doubts is I think you are confident enough to take her off your mother now. IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 5:25 Yes, it's your show. NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 5:26 Okay, so I will do the necessary arrangements for your mother's discharge. And I wish your mother for a speedy recovery and please, I know that you will be able to take care of your mother. Okay, thank you. IL INTERLOCUTOR LINTA MATTHEW 5:44 Thank you, sister. Thank you. NS NURSE SHEBA KURIAN 5:45 Thank you