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IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:00 yeahNP NURSE PAVITHRA 0:02 hi good morning I'm Pavitra one of the visiting nurse in yours in your harvesting Hi Secondary SchoolIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:08 yesNP NURSE PAVITHRA 0:10 Richard How are you feeling today?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:13 I'm feeling good sister.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 0:18 Okay, do you have any problems or reason issues you in your schooling or at your homeIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:27 your sister actually I feel very sleepy sister while I'm attending the classesNP NURSE PAVITHRA 0:36 okay I can understand your feeling right now. Do you think that is there any triggering factorIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:44 actually sister I sleep 10 hours in a day and I don't participate in any of the activities like whenever I participate I feel very exhausted so I want to be on the bed and finally I would love to have this fast food sister especially burger and PISA along with a sugary beveragesNP NURSE PAVITHRA 1:08 okay I can see that these foods and your passport makes you a little bit tired and it is full of carbohydrate content so it is necessary to you to have some exercise dailyIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:25 okayNP NURSE PAVITHRA 1:28 Don't be fear Mr. Richard that exercise you get a fair like a simple exercise like jogging you can have a walk for 10 minutes per for a period of time you can use as the staircase in King instead of left for the clothes that is near to youIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:45 okay.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 1:47 It will makes you active and it also encourage you to better and enveloppe in physical activities okay. Do you mind if I check your weight and height?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:59 Yes sister.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 2:02 Okay, let me examine you that your weight and height or are aboda Normal. So it is necessary for you to reduce your weight because your how weight is higher than your height according to this age.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:18 OkayNP NURSE PAVITHRA 2:21 as I told you the exercise and changes in your dietary patterns will improve your condition right now.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:28 Okay sister.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 2:31 And do you know the impact of junk food having a junk foods?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:35 No sister.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 2:38 Okay, most of the junk foods are not healthy to you. As you see it is tasty, but it is not healthy. Like it has some foods that are processed like it contains preservatives okay. And it also contains some harmful chemicals to our bodies like it provides it it increases our cholesterol level LDH it so that there is a chance of many problems in your conditions like it increases having a chance of heart disease you can have a chance to have some muscle or neurological problems so it is necessary to avoid junk foods in your diet.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:18 OkayNP NURSE PAVITHRA 3:20 Is it okay for you to continue to avoid junk foods in your daily life?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:26 Sister actually from your explanation I came to know the importance of avoiding this junk foods but do you know it would be difficult for me to do it sooner so gradually I will reduce it and I will add this fruits and vegetables in my diet.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 3:46 It sounds great to hear Mr. Richard but it is necessary to it reduce it down subsequently so that you can feel a better changes in your body. Okay, okay. I would like to ask you something that it is a little task you need to do till the next visit with me. Okay. Are you ready to do? Yes, Mr. Daly, you need to monitor your weight and you need to mention and a chart so that you can change the Sierra changes by avoiding the junk foods and you're changing into healthy life so you can see the visually. Are you ready to do this?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:24 Yes, sister. Definitely. I will do that.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 4:28 Okay, do you have any questions or queries to ask right nowIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:32 Mr. richer? No, sister? No.NP NURSE PAVITHRA 4:36 Okay. Thanks for having a great time.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:39 Thank you so much.