NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:00 Good afternoon.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:01 Good afternoon nurse.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:04 My name is Cindy Thomas I'm one of these nurses working in the city clinic. So what brought you here today'sIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:11 nurse is my four year old daughter and a doctor have requested urine sample for my daughter because she has some urinary bladder infectionNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:24 okay thank you for sharing the informations on low commendation purpose may know the name ofIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:30 her name is Isabel My name is Maggie.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:37 Paki Maggie. So for me Motzei understand that you're here with inside is a male taking a US armor color right?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:48 Yes nurse, my daughter is well young and how can I ask her to collect the urine sample please let me know the process.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:57 I mean, your mother I can understand your difficulty and your concerns regarding itself, but try not to worry, we nurses are here to take care of your child and we are here to help you. So, I would like to explain you the process of collecting urineIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:15 please proceedNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 1:17 on definitely thank you first. First of all, we have to let your child to drink plenty of water after that, you need to collect urine, midstream urine, my using istyles. Also please make sure that the sample on the contaminated which will lead to underlayment may not able to identify the cause of bladder infection receiving me yes nurseIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:56 I will follow your instruction please tell me how should I bring the sample to the clinicNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 2:05 the sample should be taken to the clinic with an allowance after that we know initial dipstick test if there is anything we will quiet analysis editingIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:20 yes nurse please tell me let me know what is the result about it because I'm really worried about my daughter she's too young and she's getting this infection very frequently.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 2:36 That result will be available with a doctor and I need to get an appointment with the doctor to get the result after two to three days don't worry about children this age usually have this problem it is quite normal and it is caused by the lectins of the past they don't drink plenty of waterIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:08 Yes No it's very very difficult for my daughter to get a drink somethingNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 3:15 as I understand that you to give her some food or full salad or an ice block or something like that she's in Austria to eat rather than drinking water a lot. You can provide these kind of things which candles forIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:35 dinners I will follow it yes nurse I will try to do it because I can't see her in this condition.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 3:45 I understand your feeling annoys you or something regarding her IGIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:53 yes nurse not there Howard wise regarding the hygiene and I'm following his instructionNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 3:59 is good. I appreciate your Please continue to do that and make sure that she maintained the hygiene and also new underwear and please try to use and perfumed sandals unscented products in order to prevent their bladder infection again and again. This is where they're going for nursery. They're not bringing anything but believe me, they will. They will make it as a habit. They will follow the teachers and they will take care of themselves.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:42 Okay nurse, thank you so much for the information. I will follow your advice.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 4:47 Okay. Thank you so much for seeking medical attention and hope I have made your layIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:56 Yes, notes are gettingNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 4:58 there. Thank you, Howard. These days.