NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:01 Good afternoon. My name is Sherman I'm one of the registered nurses working in the civic clinic please come and have a seat. IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:09 Thank youNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:11 could you tell me reason behind of your visit?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:14 Yes, I am the parent of four years old old girl who has suspected bladder infection and the doctor has requested a urine sample I want to know the procedure to collect the urine sampleNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:31 before proceedingIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:32 can you how can I test you My name is Maggie my daughter's name is IsabelNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:41 thank you for our information Maggie because as you asking the procedure regarding a urine urine collection is it rightIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:49 yes now it's NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:51 so before you can ask her how pregnancy is getting you to infection IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:56 nurse I can tell that it is every month no nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:08 cannot proceed. How to collection of urineIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:11 please proceed nutsNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:14 ask a foreigner to kill you before a technique you should follow before collecting you should clean private property after the past little of four years of the service are you what my point?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:43 Yes nurse I will follow our instruction and how quickly I need to bring the urine sample to the clinic.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:51 Thei concern is recent reading Well, she should bring the urine maybe there is a chance of contamination due to false report. That's why he paused as soon as possible you should bring up the reportIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:12 yes my daughter keeps getting bladder infection and I don't think this problem will be resolved soon.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:22 This is because they are taking enough water that's why even they will they will they will not empty the bladder so there is a chance of reading of the urine there is a common cause for that also may maintaining good hygiene and awareness that is essentialIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:51 yes nurse nurse it's really difficult to get my daughter to drink anything she does not like using the toilet at nurseryNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:05 because that children's This is common in children try to explain her and you can tell in the nursery because the child is getting frequent infection supervisor they will help in you didn't matter because there are small that doesn't know that's why he doesn't like to drink water you can use juice some flavor items you can put in the water and can do that also.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:50 Yes, thank you so much for the advice. I will follow itNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:56 glassesIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:57 no nuts I'm glad that it's just a phase and I will get the sample done as quick as I can.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:06 Not the contaminated urine sample because it new falls recent as far as try to goIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:19 okay, now, I will collect the sample. Thank you so much for explaining NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:25 Bacchus OS.