NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:00 Hi, my name is Sharmila. I'm one of the registered nurse working this casuality what how can I address you?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:08 My name is JohnNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:11 Yes John How can I help youIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:13 sir how made with an accident I can I have some injuries and loss of my blood I cannot take the situation I am feeling very sadNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:23 Sorry Mr. John to hear that you mad accident not to worry you are in a safe place and the better hands we will try to help you nothing to worry Are you following me?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:36 Yes nice.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:37 If you don't mind that Can I ask a few questions? Yes. Regarding accent when you met accent Are you gone through the fall that are gone? What about consciousness? Are you conscious?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:52 Yes nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:54 so now Benissa no no okay. Oh can happen okay Mr. John as you lost a blood during your accident there you need a blood transfusion as dr is advice Are you willing for that?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:16 Yes NAS whatNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:17 is blood transfusion? Okay, I will explain in detail mom blood donor blood transmission is a procedure that donating the blood from from the donor to in your body through IV. So, this is the right procedure. Following me,IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:38 yes nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:40 Do you have any concerns?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:43 I have read that patient contracted HIV through blood transfusionNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:49 question is reasonable, because nowadays, advanced technologies before giving done donating blood for you, we will check all the infection once again once you're all we will find that free from infection then only will transport transmission is in the blood for you. So, not to worry for this you will get this concern winsize You told that is a chance of infection. So you will transmit blood free from infection I got my pointIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 2:22 yes nurse nurse I don't know about all this can you please give any information about this is there any risk of losing LASIK my blood? Can you please explain about the procedure?NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:35 Sure, Mr. John I will explain the procedure it is a ceramic procedure. First of all we will insert one IV cannula through that we will transfer the blood for you it is a sterile and there is free from infection and Ottawa we are using the items this is sterile items and use syringes and more ever nurses are continuously monitoring you and it is a four to five hours procedure whenever you will get during the transmitter if you are getting LSU or some thing breathing difficulty anything. So you can inform suddenly will stop the blood transmission. Moreover, the monitor will continuously will key for to check your vitals VP and saturation arigato my pointIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:31 yes NAS NAS what are the side effectsNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:36 they in the blood transfusion they as I told them sometime people will get reaction maybe will they will get the allergy they will get breathing difficulty or some other complex some side effects not for all the patient few only so if you're getting anything because anyway have we will closely monitoring you. So not to worry if you will get any uncomfortable or anything you can inform us as soon as possible. I forgot my point.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:08 Yes nurseNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:11 Do we have any concerns IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:14 known asNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:15 Okay, Mr. John, you I hope that you are agreeing for blood transmission is it right? IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:21 Yes.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:22 So I will arrange for all things and before that we will collect your blood for cross matching. Once he will come ready we will start with a blank transmission.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:34 OkayNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:35 , so can I proceed that?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:36 Yes. I don't know anything about the processor after your explanation. I understand. I am ready to have the transmission.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:45 Good to hear that. Mr. John, do you have a willingness not to worry you are in as I told you, you are in safe place where we are there for you. So nothing to worry. Thank you Mr. John.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:57 Thank you.