IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:00 Good afternoon sister.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:03 Please come in have a seat. Thank you. My name is Jamila. I'm one of the regional was working in this nursing edges agency. How can I address you?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:14 You can call me Shiva.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:16 Shiva What brings you today here?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:20 Sister actually I'm a journalist and I will not be here for the next 15 days. So my mother who is very old is alone at home so I just want to know what all the services you provide from your agencyNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:35 Shiva you are in the right place I will explain regarding this nursing service are available in our lace So actually I'm regarding I want to ask regarding your mother How oldIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:49 is she? My mother is 80 years old.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:53 Okay, she's taking any medication for any health issuesIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:57 Yes, she's a diabetic and hypertensive she's not regular medication and she has regular follow up as well systemNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:05 okay, regarding her mental status however she is conscious this one oriented or like there's some confusion like it will be thereIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:16 she doesn't have any problem but she views glasses.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:21 Okay. Regarding food habits sir.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:24 She's pure vegetarian sister.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:27 Okay. And regarding sleeping patterns,IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:31 yes, she sleeps at 10pm at night and she wakes up at 6am in the morningNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:38 Okay, she can do herself work because her daily activities like daycare she can do herself or she need assistance sheIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:46 needs an assistant for her daily living activities.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:50 And thank you for even information here in our service there is a 24 hours on a daily or weekdays like there's different types of nursing services available you can choose according to your mother's priority maybe she need I think 24 hours okay. So, if like that you tell us we will arrange for that one okay. Are you following me YesIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:20 sister. So, could you please tell me how much you charge for your services so that I can go through that and I will let you know what service I needNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:30 Shiva Shiva, this is a leaflet it is regarding the charges and different types of nursing services return you can go through and which you choose just let me know we will arrange for that one.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:47 Okay. So, what are this care you provide for the patient those who are coming under youNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:54 regarding the patient as your mother is word and we will provide for all care because routine her daily activities our personal hygiene and medication regarding diet also we will as you told her regarding her medication diary pattern and sleeping button I kept a note in there and I will provide what all the needs she needs we will do according to whichIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:23 okay, yes is there I will just have a look on to the leaflet and I will let you know.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:31 Okay, I hope I clear you are all out. So if you have any concerns, this is my contact number. You can call me any time I will happy to assist you.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:40 Okay, thank you so much. Thank you.