SPEAKERS nurse (86%), INTERLOCUTOR (14%) NJ nurse jesmy 0:00 Good evening IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 0:00 living in usNJ nurse jesmy 0:01 My name is Tiffany Anthony I'm one of the district nurses working in the general practice check section. How can we help you today?IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 0:09 thank you notes actually knows my son has just put his hand through the trusty nail by playing exam in the oneness.NJ nurse jesmy 0:20 Yes. Okay let make familiar sounds okay. For my examination I came to know that the beard smoothies sometimes it's been yeah okay. But no need to worry about this you are correct place to get to the complete recovery of your current condition. And from my examination, I came to know that there is a need of an injection, immunisation injection that is called as tetanus Have you ever heard about this?IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 0:58 Yeah, I heard about that. But how could you please explain me more about thatNJ nurse jesmy 1:04 now. Yes, I will explain it for you. And if you have any further queries, please feel free to have me strategize status in Section x very helpful for even after any injuries because even even after a small injuries, bodies are unique in nature. Okay. So there is a concern of getting some kind of infection, it may be finally leads to further complications in the future. Also. preventive measure strongly recommend you to follow Okay, tennis injunction. Okay. Okay. Okay. And it's better to get a recovery for your current condition. okayness Okay. Bigger child received all immunization at the correct time.IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 1:55 Actually no no's I forgot to bring him for his childhood vaccinations.NJ nurse jesmy 2:00 Okay, so your child is not immunized as properlyIJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 2:04 right now.NJ nurse jesmy 2:06 So it's correct. You say that actually they believe a doula is very helpful for your child's condition because it will boost your child's inability to resist against almost all the disease conditions. Okay. Okay. I think it's better to take the tetanus vaccine as soon as possible. Let me see here also and even after taking the vaccine there is a chance of getting some kind of difficulties like some kind of nausea cancer getting those yeah vivre and redness This is a mindful symptoms which have been acquired even after the injection No need to worry about this because this is very usual. Okay. Okay. Okay. And do you have any other doubts?IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 2:58 Actually, no, yes. No. Is there any side effects after this initial salary? Is there any side effects after this internship?NJ nurse jesmy 3:06 Yes, I have already told you that there are wild inflation there is a mild cancer of getting side effects I do feel tired and sometimes to try to make it snow seated and lightheadedness, there is a sense of getting the symptoms, the usual symptoms. If the child experiencing a severe manner, please immediately contact the doctor. Okay, his current condition, he needs a single dressing with SFP techniques also. That is the better way there is no need to further management. Okay, okay to take a different perspective. Just need a dressing. Okay, okay. And you need to make sure that the child's hands should be kept dry and clean. Yeah. avoid paying soil and contaminated items also. Okay, now, okay. Okay, and try to keep sharp, sharp items away from the child. Okay. It's better to prevent further injuries.IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 4:10 Okay, sureness. Okay, how can Oh,NJ nurse jesmy 4:13 I hope I cleared almost all your concerns. Yes. Yeah, take the vaccine. Okay. So, if you have any further concerns,IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 4:24 actually, no, no, save it for all my doubts and worries and happiness.NJ nurse jesmy 4:28 Okay. Thank you for visiting me and if you have any further problems, please contact me.IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 4:34 Okay, sure. Thank you.
SS. 1293. Jesmy - jisha raj