NJ NURSE JINCY 0:00 Okay Hi, good afternoon. My name is Anita Jo. I am the school nurse here. How are you?IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 0:19 Oh, what if nurse, my teacher had told me to come and see you because recently I'm putting my weight on. So she said that my condition is going will be going forward. So I better how to consult you and seek God wait. So I'm here to take care of this right now.NJ NURSE JINCY 0:41 Okay. May I clear? Hi Henry. Okay, thank you. My office and I understood that you are lifting weights of these, but you don't worry. There are so many solutionsIJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 1:03 that will really help you reduce your weight. Okay. Okay.NJ NURSE JINCY 1:09 And before moving to further I need to ask some call centers regarding your live stream IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 1:14 and daily routine. May I?Yes, please. Okay, could youIJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 1:21 please send me a Wi Fi for food? Do you prefer?NJ NURSE JINCY 1:28 Yes. You know, I'll be preferring non pet foods more because I love IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 1:35 them. The it's huge my taste but when it appeals it's very rare. And I love these cheesy foods, the spicy chunky and the meaty foodsmoreNJ NURSE JINCY 1:50 Okay. And do do get regular exercise? No. Okay. I do have any otheIJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 2:02 r ongoi Okay, so I hope you are not taking any medication right now. Okay. But to go to parents NJ NURSE JINCY 2:18 Wait, they are they are in normal ware normal. They are working papers. They both are working.They are normal. Okay, thank you for for sharing personal details to me. So, from your work, I understood that you like to have cheesy and five and you're not doing any sports activities. Right?IR INTERLOCUTER REACH 2:49 Yes. Yeah, yeah, I prefer the sedentary life I prefer to be alone. I like it. I don't like also other activities. I'm a kind of introvert so I don't like mingling with people or socializing. So I just sit in my house playing some video games. That's how I spent my leisure time and so sometimes I'm very blueNJ NURSE JINCY 3:19 I like to read books and I like to do video games Am i right? So the reading books are very close I am appreciating your habits misses the chance to do some physical activities like some regular exercises you need to reduce the accuracy and for the spicy and now I just need to take a healthy foot okay because of this sedentary life you're putting on your way as this may need to be a carrierIJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 4:11 icon icon icon even you know I can't even stop taking this once because you know I love this very much I can take any alternative food items which are very much different from these food items that I prefers like veggies and fruit items so I don't like their characteristic taste and odor smell I make me nauseated and commithim so that I can really understand your concern. If I were in your place I will also present the same same Filoli file to you Don't worry. We are here to help you I will provide a better lifestyleNJ NURSE JINCY 4:55 okay, sorry I lifestyle plan Okay. because, you know, if you're leading sedentary lifestyles that will lead to serious health problems. Okay? If you are in a small age, and you need to take proper diet and proper exercise, yes. And I will provide you one leaflet in that all the information are included that will really help you to reduce your weight. And I'll give you one diary, in that case you record your way every week. And please see me after one month.IR INTERLOCUTER REACH 5:48 Yeah, I will definitely come and see you after Yeah, you know, by this condition, unable to attend my class normally because I have loss of concentration. And also I feel very much tired and generous as people that are cheap. So I really want you to get out of condition as soon as possible. So I will do whatever you say. But from these food items, I like it's more difficult to do so. Is it possible to abstain from it by eventually cutting it off?NJ NURSE JINCY 6:22 For that your pumpkins are responsible for that I arrange a dietary dietitian consultant. He will really help you to arrange your diet even provide a better diet plan according to your lifetime. Okay. Okay. And do you have any other concerns? No, no, no, no, I will. I will try and you try to follow your face and we will see the results after that we can IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 6:57 discuss in the other improvement measures that should be implemented in order to maintain myNJ NURSE JINCY 7:03 body weight. Okay, come and see me after a one month okay, then we will get a clearer idea about your confidence. IJ INTERLOCUTOR JISHA RAJ 7:14 Okay, thank you for listening to me.NJ NURSE JINCY 7:19 Okay, thank you very much.If you have any questions, please contact me. I'll provide your number, my number.