SPEAKERS NURSE (57%), INTERLOCUTER RICHARD (42%), INTERLOCUTER RICHARD (1%) IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 0:02 Yes nurse what to say I have been recently diagnosed with this hypertension and the nurse who is currently in charge of my care has told me to meet a community health nurse in order to you know, get seek some advice from this nurse to change my lifestyle and habits habits which is a major cause of my disease condition. So I have came here to seek some advice from you.NM NURSE MOSASE 0:32 Alright to chat before proceeding further I would like to ask some questions to get a detailed picture of your condition would be that okay.IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 0:43 Yes.NM NURSE MOSASE 0:47 Khurana what kind of job are you engaged inIR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 0:53 you know, I'm a lawyer I'm a messy person and I said lawyer I have to go through so many clients and also these cases to a normal lawyer will always be stressful and I say lawyer I have to really go through sources so much less stressful condition and conduct with them. So in order to bust out from these stressful situations I will be taking a packet of cigarette day and also some alcoholNM NURSE MOSASE 1:29 mystery check then how about your meals are you taking three times a day?IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 1:37 Actually yeah three times a day normal meal mix mix and meal which is non veg and also veggies and I love cheese mostNM NURSE MOSASE 1:46 of them don't you perform any exercise during the day?IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 1:54 NoI mean not getting time to do because you know I will be waking up early in the morning to get you to work and I will be back home late eveningNM NURSE MOSASE 2:08 Okay The Chair Thank you for answering my question. From that explanation I understand what is you are a busy person and you are leading a stressful lifestyle because of your job related and you are fond of some cheesy bootleg and you are consuming alcohol and smoking some amount of cigarettesIR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 2:38 yes but you know you know I will be able to cut it down in a short period of time I can abstain it from suddenlyNM NURSE MOSASE 2:53 it's really appreciated Richard in USA Now let's discuss about some ethical remedies for healthy lifestyle. Is that okay for you? Yes. Okay firstly you can have a healthy diet such as nutritious food you can have fresh vegetables food and beverage food then CISI or oil before and should take timeIR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 3:22 yeah yes yes I can listeners I can control these fiber these habit alcoholism I can do even exercise but you know smoking cessation is not my thing I can't even leave without smoking.NM NURSE MOSASE 3:39 Okay, I understand I know it is going to be really challenging for you but I am sure you can cope with it gradually Is that okay? Okay. Then episode sir, you can start with some I mean some physical activity for a small amount of time after you ever and then actually please try to reduce your alcohol intake and try to have occasionally enhance your I mean lifestyle and then it will reduce hypertension also. Because then you are taking alcohol and also doing the smoking and until theIR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 4:34 increase Yes, nurse, nurse. I'm very, very much aware about this, that this smoking and alcoholism make my condition worse and also it's not good for my body. But you know, in order to Buster from the stress, this helped me very much and it gave me some muscle relaxation. So I don't have any other myth. You know, I have no other wayNM NURSE MOSASE 5:01 Yes Of course Mr. The chat I can understand that I'm sure that you will be able to make out the changes even though it is going to be a little difficult for you right now, at the beginning everybody will be like this but then engaging in some activity and when cutting down intake of alcohol and cutting down the amount of cigarette you are doing a smoking then you will feel more comfortable and when checking your blood pressure also it will get a lower level then you can follow as moderately, then you can follow according to the Eurovision and you can continue I mean heavy light in the future. Okay, is that good for you?IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 5:52 Yes, yes, it's very much I just want I just really want to get out of this condition because you know, I just want to live really live a normal life and live healthy.NM NURSE MOSASE 6:04 Yes, any check. Do you have any concerns to clarify with me right now?IR INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 6:11 Well, actually, no. You No. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yes. Thank you very much for that base.NM NURSE MOSASE 6:24 I will make an appointment for you in next week. Then at the time again, we will check your blood pressure level and with modification of new lifestyles.I INTERLOCUTER RICHARD 6:35 Okay, thank you very much.