Mr Jane Gold
Head Nurse
Primerose Nursing Home
3 Blackwood Street
15 May 2021
Dear Ms Gold
Re: Mr George Gale, DOB: 24 April 1936
I am writing regarding Mr Gale who was diagnosed with urinary tract infection. He requires further care and monitoring from your facility following the discharge today.
Mr Gale was admitted to the hospital on 10 May following a fall resulted in unconsiousness as wittenessed by the vomiting palpitations and dysuria. On examination, he was confused and disoriented in addition he was febrile tachypneic and hypertensive. Therefore, urinalysis was performed which revealed the diagnosis.
On subsequent days, He was commenced on IV amoxycilline 750 mg 8th hrly along with his regular medications.
Socially, Mr Gale is a widower retired who lives alone in own flat. He is independent who manages self with his daily needs. He has had Osteoarthritis and hypertension since 2003 and 2009 respectively which is controlled with paracetamol and Felodipine.
Currently, Mr Gale is afebrile and progressing well; however still confused at times. Apart from that he is keen to return to home as early as possible.
Based on the aforementioned circumstances requesting you to take over Mr Gale and provide temporary care till he gets better. Encouragement for 30 minutes of daily physical exercise has been suggested to improve his mobility. As he is still confused an assessment for independent living is strongly recommended before clarification is required please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse
Oldtown Hospital