Mr Mart Ruffalo
Freedom Hospital
14 May 2020
Dear Dr Matthew McConnaughey
Matthew McConnaughey, a 10-year-old-boy, who has been suffering from refractory asthama included antidrolinergies and leukotriene modifiers. He requires your assessment and management.
Matthew presentes to the clinic with the complaints of Wheezing, chest pain, dyspnea and cough. His chest x-ray and CT scan showed normal resulta. His forced expiratory volume is 78%.
At present, Matthew is suffering from aforemention symptoms, as well as fever, pale and weak. He recommended to increased his inhaler dose to 2 puffs 3 times per day. In addition, 10w dose corticosteroid, fucticaso 44mg were advised.
Based on the aforementioned circumstances, Matthew may require brochial thermoplasty and further investigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse
Stellar Clinic