Nurse -in -Charge
District Nursing Service
Greenville Community Health Care Centre
88 Highton Road
16 July 2017
Dear Nurse ,
Re: Ms Margaret Helen Martin, aged 81
Ms Martin who has been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, is recuperating from angioplasty requires, care and further management as well as necessary support to manage her condition. She is due for discharge tomorrow.
On 15 July 2017, she was admitted with the fore mentioned diagnosis for which angioplasty was repeated second time though it was done firstly in 2008. Postoperative recovery was excellent without any complications; however, feeling anxious about her coping mechanisms after discharge.
Ms Martin is a bachelor, resides in own house and financially independent. She has intermittent contact with family members and depend on meals on wheels service. Her medical history includes hypertension, hyper cholesterolemia, CAD for which medication compliance is extremely crucial. Her regular medication list is attached to this letter. She is overweight, feels anxious about her health issues.
In view of her condition, regular home visits are very essential to meet her needs. Frequent monitoring by the dietician is important to maintain healthy and fat free diet as well as regular light exercises to be followed. Monitoring the wound site for any infection and arranging regular family visits also would be beneficial for her progress.
Based on the above mentioned details, it would be greatly appreciated if you could do regular home visits and provide the necessary support.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully
Ward nurse
Cardiac unit
Greenville Public Hospital