Community Health Nurse
Community Health Centre
456 East Street
Dear Nurse,
Re: Mr Peter Dunbar,DOB: 18/03/1932
I am writing to introduce Mr Peter Dunbar, who requires continuous monitoring and management for health related issues as he is migrating to your community area.
Mr Perer Dunbar has had type 2 diabetes series and 2016 was kn deitary management. He has been commenced on metformin in March 2018 due to non complaince of poor memory and appears unmotivated. He was encourage to take regular medication and discussed about strategies of memory aids.
Mr Durbar was hospitalized in June 2018 with myocardial infection and atract fibullation. He was managed with aspirin, streptokinin inferior, sotalot and warfarin. On october 2018, he showed signs of diabetic neeopathy and had restricted mobility. Inaddition he had respiratory infections and was on Amoxicillin. Also, he had gwen reducation regarding important of adherence to drug regimen.
Today, Mr Dunbar presented to clinic along with daughter and verbalised regarding migration because of non complaince of dut, medication and excess inorder to live with daughter and her husband. He daughter, explained his regimen. Apart from that he also refers to reduce salt, sugar, alcohol and fatty foods.
In light of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if you could able to monitor. Mr Dunbar regularly and encourge him to follow, dietary guideliness. Please provide education regarding medication regimen also.
Kindly do the needful. Please contact me for further queries.
Yours faithfully,
Community Health Nurse.