Ms Michella Mansoura
Public Health Nurse
125 Canterbury Road
Victoria 3134
Dear Ms Mansoura,
Re: Mrs Beverley Williams, DOB:1943
I am writing to refer Mrs Beverly Williams who has uncontrolled diabetes. She requires health education and further management from your facility.
Mrs Williams has been under our care for the past 10 years. She has had type two non-insulin-dependent diabetes for the last 8 years for which she is on medication since then. She is not only on comptiant with diet but also unaware about the consequences. She moniters her sugar with urine sick at home. She prefers and a glass of wine with her meet. Therefore, she needs to attend formal diabetic education program at the hospital. In addition, she takes medication for hypertension.
Mrs William’s current BMI is 32 and she claimed trouble is losing weight. However, she does not have the habits of regular exercises. Hence, encourage her initiate a suitable exercise such as swimming to control her right.
In view of the above, it would be highly appreciated if you could take over the management of Mrs Williams. Kindly monitor her blood sugar with a glucometer and increase the dose of daonil from 13 to 20 mg per day. Her vision needs to be checked every 2 to 3 months.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse.