Ms Stella Howard
Head Nurse
Woodside Nursing House
142 Woodside Road
19 Feburary 2020
Dear Ms Haward
Re: Ms Betsie Andersen, aged 89
I am writing this letter to update the current health status of Ms Betsie Andersen, who has been diagnosed with urinary tract infection.She requires ongoing care and close monitoring following the discharge today.
Ms Andersen, was presented with the complaints of recent episode of urinary incontinence.In addition,he was in confused state; however, familiar to persons. Apart from this, he was noted to be low grade fever and 6 pounds weight loss in 7 days.
During hospitalization, Ms Anderson, Lab reports revealed elevation in wbc-15.2 mg/dl and in urine analysis bacteria present. Regular monitoring of consciousness and blood pressure has been maintained on daily basis therefore, he was identified with orthostatic blood pressure.Hence, he has been instructed to change the positions gradually.Assistance has been provided including daily activities. At present he is well oriented.
Ms Anderson,has been scheduled for followup with Dr Alex Rose general practitioner as well urine and blood investigations has been performed after fortnight. It is essential to observe vital signs and assessment in daily basis,in order to prevent dehydration and orthostatic blood pressure.Make arrangements with physiotherapist to increase the mobilization. Please note his medication regimens are enclosed with this letter for further management.
If requires additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Registered nurse
Norfolk and Norwich university hospital