The Director
Community child health service
1 Southgate Ave
Melbourne Victoria 3006
25 June 2019
Dear sir or madam,
Re: Akira Annaisha, DOB: 23 September 2014
I am writing to request follow up vaccination program for Akira Annaisha and her two years old sister emica yomato.
Akira was admitted to hospital on 15 june 2019 with acute meningoencephalitis due to a compilation following a mumps. Although vaccination of both the children has done, record has been lost. Parents are unaware of MMR vaccination for mumps; therefore, vaccination adviced is required.
Akira lives with her parents and younger sister in rental accomodation. They are migrated on April 2019 and have no family doctor. His father can understand spoken English and attends English classes. However,her mother has limited understanding of English.
Based on the above mentioned circumstances, neurological assessment every month for next three months and monitoring of complication would be extremely beneficial. Follow up appointment and advice regarding recommend vaccines is required.
2. Ayushi Uniyal - Akira Annaisha