Ms Aline Beckmsale
The Pharmacist
Brookwille Community Centre
Dear Ms Beckmsale,
Re: Mr Sean William, aged 72
Mr Sean William, a known - case of coronary obstructive pulmonary disease, requires education regarding the dosage and use of ventolin inhaler.
He is a widower and lives alone. He was on salbutamol and ipratropium 25/250, 2 puffs daily. Apart from that, he has been receiving our services for the dressing of leg ulcer.
On 6 February 2019, he experienced increased shortness of breath possibly due to the above mentioned disease, inappropriate use of inhaler or exercise induced bronchospasm. Therefore, GP ceased both the inhalers, and ventolin HFA with built-in dose - counter and spacer, 2 puffs was initiated under supervision.
On today's visit, he complained of same problem while performing daily activities at day time. In addition, he mentioned that ventolin HFA is not effective on him. Although, use of inhaler with spacer was discussed, but he claimed that the pharmacist suggested a different dosage.
In view of the above information, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide advice regarding the use of inhaler to him.
Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
District Nurse