Certified Diabetes Educator
Endocrine Specialist and Associates
115 Burke St Omaha
Dear Dr Farquad
Re:Ms TabithaTabolin,aged 45
I am writing to refer Ms Tabolin for stricter glycemic control and possible insulin pump.
Ms Tabolin has progressing well since discharged, but not using insulin and diabetes diet as recommended for her during discharged.
Ms Tabolin was diagnosed type 1 Diabetes since when was 7 years,and she was place on insulin regimen and was not complying.
Ms Tabolin was admitted on 02/April/2018 with high glucose level of 530mmol/l,also with multiple episode of diabetic ketoacidosis,during hospitalization she was managed on insulin iv fluid,and preparandial correctional scale humalog.after that she was dischrged home to continue insulin and follow 12 nutritional baseline.
Ms Tabolin is a school teacher ,she smokes 2 cigarettes a day ,with past history of essential hypertension ,type 1 diabetes mellitus non compliance with insulin and multiple episode of keto acidosis.counselling about insulin administration ,complication of diabetes was done.also pamphlets was given for more information.
Base on the above mentioned condition it would be profoundly beneficial if you would take care of the case and continue care ,refills lantum and humalog.
Yours faithfully