Mrs Adison
Community Nurse Team leader
Broomfield Community Hospital
Craven Road
Dear Mrs Adison,
Re: Mrs Margarat Adam, Aged 75
Mrs Margarat Adam, who underwent left hip replacement surgery, is being referred for ongoing care and management following her discharge today.
Mrs Adam was admitted on 21 July 2021, following a pool at home. An X-ray confirmed fractured hip and underwent the procedure. Post-operatively pain was managed with injection paracetamol followed by oral. She has been initiated with physiotherapy to encourage mobility. In addition she was provided daily dressing.
On consecutive days, she has made good progress. However, used to walk with assistance of stick and slight swelling present on hip area. Her current medications are Alendronic acid 70 mg and Vitamin D. She is an anticoagulant therapy with injection Deltaporin 500ng until 17 August 2021 and she is able to seek administration.
Mrs Adam is a widow, teacher by prepossion and retired. Her neighbour is her close friend and no other close relatives. She was very active and independent previously she has blurred vision and osteoporosis since 2018 and 2020 respectively.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could visit Mrs Adam at home. Kindly monitor her swelling and for pressure ulcers. Please monitor her medications till revival on 22 September 2021. It is important to encourage her for exercises. It is to be noted that she need to wear antoemboliom stockings until her wound redressing on 6 September 2021.
Do not hesitate to contact me for further clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse
Orthopedic Ward.