Dr.Gordwin Rodrigue
South motan medical center
478 willow street
Queens land 898.
03 May 2019
Dear Dr.Rodrigue,
Re:Ms.Monica Ross,aged 26
I am referring Ms.Ross who requires continued care and management of her withdrawal symptoms,after the discharge tomorrow.patient brought to the emergency department at 11.30pm complaints of slurred speech,head ache and confusion and diaphoresis after consumption of 20 tablets paracetamol with one bottle of wine.
After the medical intervention with antidote of N-acetylcystine with sodium chloride.Ms.Ross is conscious, looks pale,feels drowsy,oral liquids is tolerated.vitals are stable.all lab works are normal.
Ms.Ross is single lives with her mother she is a aged pensioner.she is not showing interest in playing recently also she drinks alcohol 7-8units weekend parties.and she has no history of mental illness,drug abuse.
If you could take over his ongoing care .it would be greatly appreciated.
If you require further information,please don't hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Registered Nurse
River view hospital