27 July 1992
Mr Hoa Tran
Combodian social worker
Romans council
Dear Mr Tran,
Re: Mrs Guy Hoang Chueng, DOB:17 May 1953
I am writing to introduce Mrs Guy Hoang Chueng who is depressed after an unexpected cesarean section. She requires assistance and counselling for the reason for the surgery.
Mrs Chuneng was recently migrated from Vietnam to Australia with her husband and 3 school-going children. Her husband is setting up a small business and works hard as well as learning English to increase financial stability. They have no family members in Australia.
On 10 July 1992, Mrs Chuneng delivered a baby through an operation as incoordinate contractions and inadequate outlet. Presently, The mother and baby are physically well.
Upon today's home visit, Mrs chuneng was in bed and depressed. The exact reason is unclear. The cause might be, she was unable to understand the need for surgery due to language barriers or cultural differences.
It would be greatly appreciated If you could educate Mrs chuneng on the circumstances of surgery. Please provide assistance for medical intervention in hospital and home help if required.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse.