Punitha Franklinal
Ms Leon
Oxford Community Health Centre
20 June 2019
Dear Ms Leon,
Re : Ms Alvine George,aged 69
Ms Alvine George,who has been recovering from surgical removal of benign tumor in left calf muscle.She requires continues follow up care and management from your facility.She is being discharge today.
Ms George was admitted to the hospital for the above mentioned surgery.During pre- operative assessment her blood pressure and her blood glucose levels were high , for which,she was commenced on lisinopril 5 milligram once daily and metformin 500 milligram twice daily ,she has poor compliance with medications.During post-operatively ,she was developed high fever and chills may be due to surgical wound infection.Hence, started with amoxicillin 1 gram three times a day for a week along with that daily dressing was done.Initiated daily physiotherapy to improve her self care activities.At present,she started walking with the help of walking frame.
In view of the above,it could be beneficial to visit Mrs George daily and provide comprehensive care.Kindly encourage her to continue her self care activities in order to prevent future complications.Please monitor her blood pressure and blood glucose levels.It is imperative to continue her medications and physiotherapy.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information regarding Ms George.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse