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QQ-3049. Ms Olivia Jack - Nursing – Reshma Raju – Emergency Caesarian Section [177 WORDS]

Writer's picture: GrandMasterClassGrandMasterClass


The Director

Community Child health service South Bank, Melbourne Victoria 2006.

13 June 2019 Dear Sir/ Madam,

Re: Ms. Olivia Jack ,DOB:04 May 2000

The purpose of writing this letter to introduce Ms. Olivis Jack and new born baby to you for arranging a home visit to providing an advice and assistance following her discharge.She underwent an Emergency caesarian section following a foetal distress and failure to progress.

Post operatively,Her baby weight was 3.9kg and Apgar score showed 5 at 1 minute ,8 at 5 minutes.Her post partum haemorrhage was 800 ml now it turns to minimal ,but her HB was 90G/L. She commenced on iron supplement and vitamin .Ms .Jack started to gave breast feed for her baby how ever she preferred bottle feed. Apart from this she was not confident in baby care also .At present her baby weight is 3.7 kg and no jaundice was noted.

She lives alone and there is no contact with child father. Her antenatal visits are normal with no complications. She had cholecystectomy in 15 years old and there is no unremarkable study.

In view of the above kindly request to arrange home visit at her home and counsel l regarding baby care. Please feel free to contact me for further quieries

Yours Sincerely, Registerd Nurse,

Mater Mothr hospital,Brisbane


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