7 september 2018
Ms. Samantha Bruin
Senior Nurse
Grey walls Nursing Home
27 Stallion road
Grey walls.
Dear, Ms. Bruin,
Re: Mr. Gerald Baker, aged 79
I am writing to refer back Mr. Gerald Baker , who requires further management. He underwent left total hip replacement and is being discharged today.
Mr. Baker was admitted to city hospital, with complains of worsening osteoarthritis followed with difficult mobilization. Electric surgery done. Post operatively he was disorientated, due to anaesthetic effect. Certain blood test were done which reveal haemoglobin dropped at 72 g/ dl. He was transfused with 3 units of packed red blood cells. He was commenced an Aspirin 100 mg , panadein forte 55 mg, along with ramipril 5mg , for his hypertension management. Dressing which need to be applied daily. Range of motion, stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as occupational therapy was initiated. He is able to walk length of ward without difficulty.
It would be brightly appreciated if you could provide on going management for Mr. Baker, he is important to monitor his medication compliance. Please note, he is scheduled to remove stapler on 21 september and follow up toilet rinser from local medical supplier. Kindly note his walker and wedge pillow sending with Mr. Baker. He has follow up visit for his full blood cannot and urea electrolytes test at city hospital clinic.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further queries.
Yours sincerely ,
Charged Nurse.