Ms Monica Kullan
Senior Nurse Parctioner
University of Marchbank Health Centre
Hillsdunne Rd, Marchbank
30 August 2019
Dear Ms. Kullan
Re: Jake Peterson. aged 18-year-old
I am writing this letter in regards of Mr Peterson, who is soon starting at your university. He suffers with alopecia and anxiety requires, your appropriate care and support upon his arrival.
Initially he was presented with alopecia and sings of anxiety at the age of 13 years in 2014, he was referred to trichologist for further management. Although he was commenced a steroid cream for a period of 3 months, which he discontinued due to personality changes. However his symptoms were manageable without any treatment for past few years. Last year he had relapse of anxiety along with hair loss and remarkable drop in his weight. Therefore he was recommended to the doctor for which he refused. Following his visit in May he complained of low moods, difficulty to develop the peer reaction and lack of interest in the support he was referred to school counsellor which he did not attend.
Mr Peterson lives in our boarding home as his parents work abroad. His father started baldness at the age of 50 and mother was diagnosed of depression at her 40. He is an alcoholic and increased his intake from 20 units to 28 units per week. Kindly note that he is a black belt holder and a swimming champion.
Presently he extremely anxious due to his exam and hair loss. It is very suggestive to arrange a special exam room with monitoring to facilitate him
Based on aforementioned information and circumstances your assistance I profoundly beneficial to help Mr Peterson. In case an additional information required pleased do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Boarding School Nurse
Holly House School Brenkridge