The Nurse-in-Charge
District Nursing Service
Greenville Community Health Care Centre
88 Hington Road
15 July 2018
Dear Nurse-in-Charge,
Re: Ms Margaret Helen Martin, aged 81
Ms Martin requires regular monitoring,support and assistance of a community health nurse. She has undergone angioplasty today for coronary artery disease and angina. She will be discharged back home tomorrow.
On account of her sedentary lifestyle, her weight is not normal body mass index is twenty nine point 5 was registered. Meals on wheels have been delivered to her from Monday to Friday. Weekends are managed with frozen meals.
Ms Martin's mother and brother have coronary heart disease. Additionally, hearing aid has been used for hearing loss. Consequently, coeliac disease,hypertension and hyperchlestreolemia were reported. Consern regarding adjustment to homely environment and reluctance to return home was noticed.
Presently, she is on aspirin,clopidogrel,Betaloc, Ramipril and Liptor. Hence, medication compliance is profoundly beneficial.
Upon discharge, providing low-calorie, high-protein, low cholesterol, gluten free diet was recommended under the supervision of a dietician. Abundant fluid consumption along with small frequent meals are advised. Refraining from engaging in heavy lifting for at least twelve weeks is imperative. Daily exercise with fifteen minutes walk under the observation of physiotherapy is vital. Enhancement of family visits are necessary to prevent social isolation.
Based on the aforementioned circumstances it is exceptionally obligatory if you could provide ongoing evaluation and supervision. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Ward Nurse
Cardiac Unit
Greenville Public Hospital