Ms Su Yin Lee
Sister In Charge
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
695 Hampstead road
Green acres 5029
01 December,2019
Dear Lee,
Re: Mr Shannon Warne, age: 23; years
I am writing to refer Mr Warne,who has multiple diagnosis.He requires continuous care from your facility.He is being discharged today.
Mr Warne was admitted to hospital followed by a car accident on 06/10/19.He had a pelvic fracture and broken neck.Additionally, he developed probable permanent neurological damage affecting mobility, speech and memory areas.He has been started with physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and speech therapy.His bedsores are healing well as a result of increased mobility and he has started to use wheelchair.Though his health is progressing he requires high level of care occasionally.He has persistent headache for which he receives nurofen 20 mg, maximum dose of 4 times a day.
Mr Warne is a third year architectural student in Adelaide University.He was living alone in a flat, currently his parents are willing to take care of him.He is eligible person to receive disability pension.
Kindly encourage him to do activities and interested things such as: reading and writing.Please contact the University regarding his continuation in studies and make sure to arrange him to meet with people with his same age.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
You's sincerely
Registered Nurse