719. Lamis Elfateh - Doctor - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Mrs Constance Maxwell - Case Notes - Medicine - Writing
Registered - Corrections - Feedback for 2 Letters
GrandMasterClass Sessions - Seven Sentinels
Original Manuscript... Page... 1 ...

Original Manuscript... Page... 2 ...

Original Electronic Type Version ....
Personalised Feedback ... Page... 1 ...

Personalised Feedback ... Page... 2

Special Suggestions for Quality Enhancement ...
1. The Registrar
2. ...who has features suggestive of bilateral viral conjunctivitis.
3. She needs further assessment and management from you.
4. As for her medical history, Mrs Maxwell is hypertensive and has hyperthyroidism.
5. She is currently on Tabs Thyroxine, Atacad and Fosamax, all once daily.
6. ... presented at the practice...
7. Remove "a"
8. ... inflamed, sticky and weepy eyes.
9. found to have oedema of eyelids
10. She was prescribed...........tear drops
11. Today, her condition has worsened and she is very distressed.
12. Make them two separate sentences. She can make out shapes, but can not read or watch television.
13. She was found to have marked oedema of eyelids and white sticky discharge that prevented her from reading the eye chart.