Social Worker
Hurtington Tower
09 september 2018
Dear sir / Madam
Re: Ms Sonia calleja, aged 85
I am referring ms calleja, who has been transferring to an aged cave she requires supportive sevices as well as her family.
Ms calleja undergone repair of intestinal obstruction right inguinal hernia repair and minimal pair oral surgeries . She had uneventful post operative period . Despite of good prognosis , geriatrie rehabilitation and assessmentum were advised . Walking was initiated with a four - wheel frame.
Ms Calleja has had osteoarthritis , which has been treated with iron supplements and vitamin - D . Therefore , she had a regular check up with Dr smith : she has family history of stroke and wlon cancer.
After the assessment , a permanent twenty four hour nursing care was recommended near to her daughter she was not happy also her daughter due to the in- convenience.
Based on the a fore mentioned circumstances, ongoing assessment and supportive care would be greatly beneficial in- case you require any additional information , please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Faithfully
Registered Nurse
Newton Hospital.