Ms Susan Williams Social Worker
The Prince Charles Hospital
05 April 2012
Deas madam / sir
Re: Me Yanlin Ma, DOB: 12 march 1980.
I am referring mr Yanlin Ma, who has underwent a emergency conditions Surger, for your social support and regular monitoring of continue core following his Discharge today.
on 31 march 2012, mr Yanlin ma, presented to royal brisban and Women's hospital with sever chest, and back painiquecently computerized tomograph was performed, which, sevealed sever dilated as ording aorta and type A dissection, therefore simmetiatly transfer to the Perince Charles hospital for flytter management, on arrival at Prince Charles hospital, exertion showes acute pulmonary oedemag along with echocardiograms showed aortic valve incompetence. Hence open - chest Surgery for repair of aortics anerfso and aortic not replacement with mechanical valve was performed.
Post-operatively mr Ma has remarkable progress, word during, exercise Programs and education regarding warfan therapy were initiated. Regular monitoring of blood pressure to keep at 120/80 or below was advised.
Mr. Ma, is a Chinese, international Student of Master in information technology, lives in rental appartment with her mother, who recently Cause from China, first time in Australia, has language problem. It is chain Smoker, and obese as weight recorded 105 killo gram.
Based on the aforementioned Circumstance, it would be profoundly appericiated, if you could provide social, "emotional support to Mr ma, segarding his accommodation issue as well as his visa Problem which is going to expired soon. Kindly help him as he is not able to complete his semester assessment on time. Smoking Cessation and weight loss exercises program Suggested. Follow-up appointment with cardic out patient at three and Six months respect booked. If you requires any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Annie Smith
Cardiac Nurse
The Prince Charles Hospital