The Director
Aged Case Assessment Team.
Brisbane South Region. 78 Masterson St.
Acacia Ridge Brisbane
17 Masch 2008
Dear Madam/sir
Re: Ms. Henry O'Keefe, DOB: 2 February 1925
I am referring Ms. Okeefe, who was diagnosed with malignant melanama left Shoulder for ongoing care and appropriate management following his discharge today.
Mr. Okeefe was admitted on 14 March 2008, successfully surgery for removal of large lesion maligreent melanoma of left shoulder was performed - Post-operatively, it has been observed, assistance requires for activities of daily living and regular change of dressing still suflexes removal.
During first visit on 18 March 2008, showering, and regular dressing was changed, excellent word healing and no signs of infection were noticed. Two fonedal thrice a day for fain was commenced. In addition, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin supplement which was prescribed by the goveral physician. Impaired balance, and confusional mental status were observed after his Surgery. Therefore need of a assistance for theire house holde triks, and preparation of food, as well as going out of shopping suggested.
Ms. Okeefe, lives with his wife in housing commission have, both are on aged pensioner.
Based on the aforementioned Circumstanics, your fully! assessment for their needs and appropriate arrangement for asistance would be profoundly beneficial in current health Condition of you Sequire any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Yours faithfully
Registend Nurse
Blue SkiesNurse Hame Nursing Centre.