IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:01 Good morning nurseNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 0:03 My name is Shilpa. I am one of the nurses working in this word and we'll be taking care of you today. How are you doing? Mr. Harry?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:14 Nurse had feeling well but lifted a bit painting after surgery I understand and after surgery there will be a little bit of pain but don't worry with the medication and exercise you will be out of caseNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 0:38 Mr. Jones I have seen that you are not taking grooming is there any particular reason I will be discharged in few days thenIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:51 I will have a lot of time to shower nowI want to takeNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 0:57 Mr. Jones I appreciate and I really respect your decision but let me tell you in hospital this is really very important that you take your shower wash your hair because keeping clean is always a very good habit. Okay. And as you just have been out of the surgery and you are in a recovery period, there is a chance that you may get some infections if you are not taking care of your yourself properly okay. This is really getting me aIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:34 nose I don't want to have shower because it will wait my dressing on shoulderNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 1:42 okay don't worry about that you effort your dressing we will provide you a waterproof this receipt okay, that will cover your dressing area. hole you can go and take shower usually it will not affect your wound. Okay because waterproofed is dressing will help you to prevent the water soaking into the wound. Alright, and following meIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:06 okay thank you knows.NS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 2:10 Okay and let me tell you the importance of your grooming and blushing. Okay if you are keeping yourself hydrated and you look clean and neatly groomed it will really help you to improve your conditions in a better way because he will feel more healthy fresh and healthy hold okayIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:33 okay nice but I want to tell you NS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 2:39 okay, I understand don't worry about it we will provide all the necessary need to provide you need Okay. Mr. Jones, let me ask you, do you do any exercise little bit of exercise in here?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 2:54 No, no is 78 years old My age is supposed to take rest not to do exercises. NS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 3:03 I really understand it is not your age and you don't want to do exercise but it will tell you if you walk around the hospital ward around your date for some time it will really help to increase your circulations which is very very crucial for your recovery because blood circulation will reach to your own area and it will help to recover it very soul. Okay. Okay, now if it is easy, then I will follow. Thank you, Mr. Jones. I appreciate that you have agreed to this. So as I mentioned it really helped me to recover very fast. Okay. And reduce your hospital stay so you can go home early. How does it sound?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:00 Sorry, I couldn't hear it. Okay, come on a nurse. Okay, do you have any other concern about from this? Nurse I don't want to have shower nurseNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 4:17 Mr. Jones, I really understand it is very troubling for you right now. But as I already mentioned, showering is you will feel very fresh after taking a shower. Okay. And this is not only you will feel fresh. It is very important for your recovery. Okay. To her Don't you want to go move very fast.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:41 Okay, nurse.NS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 4:44 Okay, so, is there a reason you need to take shower groom, wash your hair on a regular basis? Okay. Okay. No, sir. I agree with you. Okay, thank you that you have agreed and I will Come in to call him again later in meanwhile if you need anything you can press the buzzer I'll be there to helpIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 5:07 thank youNS NURSE SHILPA ROOJ 5:09 okay thank you and I wish you a speedy recovery Thank you