22 June 2011
The renal clinical nurse specialist
Bunbury Community Health Centre
Dear Nurse,
Re: Mr Dallas Walters
Age 51 years
I would be grateful if you could provide relentless care and guidance for Mr Walters who is undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneol dialysis as a result if chronic renal disease. He is being discharged today.
Mr Walter has aforementioned diagnosis for four years which worsened recently. Therefore he was admitted in our hospital and his procedure was successfully performed. However, his hospitalization has been prolonged due to the hyperkalemia and his slow learning of management of the procedure which needs to be followed after discharged.
Though, Mr Walters has a history, of Schizophrenia, he is physiologically stable case. He also has a history of diabetes for which he is adhered to the medications.
It would be beneficial, if you could observe for infections and educate him and his wife regarding his disease condition his procedure and reducing the potassium rich diet.
Please note that the current medication prescription will be forwarded by medical officer.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Registered nurse.