The Admissions Officer
Torquay Nursing Home
77 Jan Joc St.
Torquay 3763
26 January 2022
Re: Mrs Victoria Flangan, aged 88
Dear Admissions Office
I am transferring Mrs Victoris Flangan, who was admitted on 14 February 2008 having contracted dementia and side effects of medication for Parkinson disease. He is scheduled for discharge.
Upon admission, Mrs Flangan prescribed with history of confusion, aggression and paranoid behaviour. Therefore, her medication was charged to Bromoryptpine masylate 1.9mg bd. In addition, she was also associates for nursing home care and promotion of physical movement. Also exercises to strengthen muscles involved in speaking and swallowing were done. Moreover, she was also given nutritional therapy and plenty of roughage.
Socially, Mrs Falngan was previously living with her 89 year old husband. And he is finding it difficult to cope with aggressive behaviour. They have 2 children who both live in the UK and visit once a year. To add on, she wears glasses and hearing aids.
Based on the above, it would be much appreciated if you ciuld provide continued care to Mrs Flangan. It is advisable that you provide her with foods that are appreciating, easily chewed and swallowed. Additionalky, she needs physiotherapy to improve muscle tone, strength of muscular for speaking and swallowing. On another note, her toilet seat needs to be elevated. Lastly, she needs to always put slip-on shoes and also avoid rugs on floor.
For more information concerning Mrs Flangan, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Faithfully,
Registered Nurse.