Community Nurse
Community Health Centre
26 January 2022
Dear Community Nurse,
Re: Philip Satchell, aged 73.
Mr Satchell who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis type 2 diabetes and associated leg ulcers, is being referre to your sevice for continuing care.
Since his last visit to the community centre, poor complaince with oral hypoglycemin agents and diet were noted and therefore and infection was developed on leg ulcers. Multiple sclerosis is stabilised, however, relapses frequently.
He was initially prescribed metformin for diabetes and intravenous antibiotics, then charged to oral antibiotics. Additionally, dressings, were done For legs ulcers twice a day, and he was monitored for deterioration of multiple sclerosis frequently.
Ms Satchell lives with his diseases wife and feels lonely and isolated. He has a son but meets rarely.
Regarding the above mentioned circumstances, continuing diabetic medications and dressing would be profoundly beneficial. Referal to Prince fo Wales Diabetic Clinic for reviewing medication and education and a neurologist for supporting and improving, coping and social network were necessary.
In case any additional information is required kindly contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Registered Nurse.