Ms Abigaile Davone
Occupational Terapist
The Home Occupational Therapy Service
71 Westend Ave
Victoria 3011
09 July, 2019
Dear Ms Davone,
Re: Mr Peter Hendrick, DOB: 20 May, 1972
The purpose of writing this letter is to request a home visit for Mr Hendrick who is recovering from myocardial infarction. He requires your support and advice on returning to work following his discharge today.
Mr Hendrick was admitted to the hospital on 02 July 2019, with the suggestive features of heart attack which was confirmed with ecocardiogram; therefore he underwent emergency angioplasty.
Mr Hendrick is married, works as a truck driver and lives with his wife and childrens.
Currently Mr Hendrick is stable. During hospitalisation, education was provided to him regarding the reoccurrence of the disease and importance of lifestyle modification such as diet and exercises to prevent further attacks. Currently he was referred to physiotherapist and cardiac exercise programs was initiated.
It would be appreciated, if you could take Mr Hendrick from this point on. As he is advised not to drive for six weeks you are requested to review his daily activities along with driving capabilities and provide intervention based on your assessment to resume his duty.
Please feel free to contact for further queries.
Yours sincerely
Registered Nurse.