Ms Sally Morris
Fracture Clinic
Bayview 53aClinic
12 September 2020
Dear Mr Morris,
Re:Mr Joshua Gibbon,aged 27
I am writing to introduce Mr Joshua Gibbon who has boxer fracture on the left hand. He requires ongoing care and assessment at your service.
Today, Mr Gibbon presented to the emergency department with suspected fracture following a fight with friend.On assessment,he complained of numbness and pain.An x-ray revealed the diagnosis of fifth metacarpal fracture which resulted in displacement.A closed reduction and immobilization by splint have been commenced for him followed by the hand elevation.Inaddition to that paracetamol 1 gm was prescribed for pain.
Upon discharge,Mr Gibbon was advised regarding cast care which include; keep the area dry,removal of cast and insertion of foreign bodies have been avoided.He has to be elevated his hand at home.Kindly arrange a physiotherapy consultation at clinic.An appointment has been organised at the clinic with an x-ray of anterio-posterior and oblique view after one week.Please note,incase of any pain ,numbness in fingers and hand contact with the emergency department.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse